Here in Chicago, Olympic fever has reached an early climax with members of the IOC surveying the city this week in its bid as a possible host for the 2016 games. In that spirit, today's entry will feature the upcoming London 2012 games.
GE has announced that it will equip the 2012 Olympic Village with their smart meters. The goal is to use the platform as a launch point for the benefits of knowing the details of your household energy use.
“It’s how you use the information from smart meters to change people’s behavior, rather than the installation of the meters themselves, which is interesting,” explained Tony Gale, GE’s general manager of the company’s London 2012 projects team. “We want to show people the benefits of having detailed information on electricity use through information coming out of the Olympic village.”
A developed smart metering system is seen as such an essential piece of the future energy efficiency portfolio because it can provide improvements from both the supply and demand side of the issue. Utilities will have more knowledge, and thus control, over where, when, and how much electricity is being used. Customers will have up to the minute information on their own usage, and they will no longer be in the dark on their electricity costs until their bill arrives in the mail.
Pilot programs are beginning all over the country to determine the exact benefits utilities and customers can expect. The Olympic Village program will give the results a highly publicized stage. One can just hope that they will emphasize the ever elusive negawatts!!! (a PSP blog favorite...)
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