Follow Power Smart Pricing on twitter and set the service to text your phone. Each evening at 6pm you will receive a text message that tells you the low and high price for electricity for the following day. It might be advanced technology, but it's a simple way to lower your bills and help lower peak demand.
For example: Thu, Aug 06: Low @1.3 cents from 3am-4am, High@ 3.6 cents from 3pm-4pm.
Prices this summer have been really low so it can be easy to ignore prices. However you don't want to forget about the RTP Supplier Charge. During your billing period, the hour that has the highest overall system pick gets flagged and your usage during this hour is charged an extra amount. This charge is assessed to all customers (not just Power Smart Pricing accounts), but customers with hourly prices have the ability to lower the amount that they are charged by lowering their electricity usage during these hours.
A higher price for electricity is a good indication that a particular hour could be the system peak for your billing period, but there is not a direct correlation. System peaks generally occur between 2-5pm so the same things you are doing to lower your monthly bills will help you lower your RTP Supplier Charge.
Use twitter to keep up on which hours are most likely to carry the system peak. Again, its easy, and its information that will come straight to your pocket!!!
Follow us at www.twitter.com/powersmart. Sign up for an account if you don't already have one and indicate that you would like to receive our messages on your mobile phone.
Cool article you got here. It would be great to read something more about this theme. Thanx for giving that material.
Joan Stepsen
Tech gadgets
Your link to twitter is misconfigured. You need to add http:// to the front of it sends visitors to blogspot.
Thanks. The link is fixed.
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